Sunday, January 27, 2008

Search Engine Optimization Tips

Search Engine Optimization is said to be art! If not that artistic, still SEO needs very good knowledge, imagination and practice. To get into top ten list of search engine results one needs to work on various factors of page and content. Just having good and original content is NOT enough in today’s fierce competitive web world. Along with good content, one must put enough emphasis on SEO to get the deserved ranking in search results.

Here is the collection of some factors which are important for SEO. This list will be updated regularly

1. Keyword Selection: Keywords selection is the most important part. Picking up Idle keyword is more about seo skill and experience. Idle keyword is: Least Competitive, Most Relevant, Most Popular

2. Title Tag: Title Tag one the most important “On-Page” SEO factor which cannot be ignored.

3. Meta Tag: Meta Tags are in use and of importance as they contain information of information on page.

4. Design of Site: The use of images, flash, applets should be minimum. Frames should be avoided.

5. ALT Text if IMG Tag: As ALT text describe the image, it is important for both search engine and user.

6. Anchor Title: It is again an important tag, which describe the anchor and information on linked page.

7. Theme of Page: The theme of page should be one and should be related be site as a whole.

8. Site Navigation: Again, one of the most important “On-Page” SEO factor. It not only navigate user and search engine, but can also make some page of high priority and some of low priority.

9. Number of Links on Page: As PageRank distribute through links so it is always recommended to have least Outgoing Links.

10. Number of internal Links: Again, an important factor. The internal links and their count from specific pages to specific pages can give a big boost to your site.

11. Anchor Text: As genuine anchor text describe the information on linked page, it is of high priority seo factor.

12. Keyword Density: I prefer 7% to 12% keyword density.

13. Keyword Prominence: keywords should be placed on prominent areas of page. i.e. on starting of page (1/4 top portion of page is most prominent) and at the end of page (1/10 bottom portion is second most prominent).

14. Header Tags: The use of



for keywords make them more prominent. Also heading of content of page describe the theme of information on page and hence given high priority by search engines.

15. Bold, Italics and Underline: Like, header tags , and make keyword prominent.

16. Keywords in Content: Position of keywords used in content (in


, ,

etc.) is also an indication of “How important particular keyword is for that particular page?”

17. Site Structure: The build of site is an important factor. It should be as simple as possible.

18. Page Size: This should be minimum.

19. CSS and JS: The script code like CSS and Javascript should be written on separate file.

20. Broken Links: There should be NO broken link on the site, as search engine mark a negative flag against them.

21. HTML Code: The HTML used on the page should be validated as good HTML shows quality to search engines.

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